Principal's Vision

​​"Strength & Gentleness - Excellence Every Day"

Holy Family has a Strong Catholic Identity​​​​

We are part of an ongoing story.

We are a place of welcome and hospitality, where each person is known and respected as an individual, made in the image and likeness of God. We are a place of prayer and worship, celebrating the life of the Church through symbol, story and song. We are a place of challenge when we see or hear about injustice. We acknowledge parents as their child's first teachers and encourage them as they nourish their child's relationship with God and others.

Relationships are at our heart and we take care to nurture and strengthen them daily.

We teach the person and mission of Jesus Christ. We remember we stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us, especially the Brigidine Sisters, and we endeavour to share the Brigidine charism with all who come in contact with our school community.

We will transform learners and learning as we engage in the mission of the Church.​

Holy Family provides Excellent Learning and teaching

We are a place of encouragement for learning.​​

We are a place where all are supported and encouraged as life-long learners. Our reflective, innovative learners are know and valued wholistically and their individual learning styles developed. Best practice in all areas is researched and applied.

We live in the 21st century and learning and teaching has changed. Our learners know what they are learning and what they need to do to be successful. They challenge themselves, communicate and collaborate with others in persevering to be successful.

Technology is part of the lives of our learners and, as such, it is an integral learning tool in the class room environment. Technology, more than any other tool, has ensured that learning happens everywhere, not just in the four walls of the classroom.

Parents, as their child's first educators, are invited to share the learning journey.

We teach so that all may live - life in abundance.

Holy Family is Building a Sustainable Future​​​

We belong to the earth and the earth belongs to us.

We have a beautiful environment to learn and work in. We respect and renew our relationship with the land and its original carers, the Turrbul people. We collaborate with each other to ensure our environment remains for those who come after us.

Quality, life-giving relations will be strengthened and sustained through active listening, genuine conversations and reflection. The concept of subsidiarity ensures that all members of the community have a voice​.

We are sustained by listening to the Word of God. Continuous growth in all is promoted and supported through goal-setting, feedback and reflection.

Stewardship of our resources is promoted and practiced. The Health and Safety of the community is paramount when decisions are being made. 

We challenge all to be in communion with each other.